Monday 25 November 2013

Planning the OTS

For the storyline of our film, we have chosen the concept storyline of Jekyll and Hyde.We have used this as it is not only an intriguing story but allows quite a lot of adaptation to make it film noir and stray completely from the original novel to produce an original take on a classic story.

We have only cast one actor so far, we have chosen Joseph Keeley for the part of Jekyll as he is a great voice actor and the sequence relies heavily on the monolugue.

Our Opening Title Sequence has gone through several series of changes mainly because of the problems with time and continuity.

So Far, the storyboard has been changed several times. First of all, we have changed Jekyll's location from a confessions room from a church to a desk in his study. This was due to the fact we would have had quite a hard time to obtain time to film in a confessions room. This would also have meant having to cast an older man to play a Priest which we wouldn't have bee able to cast properly.

We have changed the profession of Jekyll's character from Detective to a Journalism student to compensate for him looking as young as he is. This also means we have less issues with the costume.

The main adaptation was the monologue scene. This is the majority of Jekyll's camera time. We originally had him leaving a message on an answer phone to his lover. We later realized that there was no answer phone system in the 40's and we had to adapt it. He cannot reach her so writes a telegram instead. This was a huge faux pas on our part but we have made the adaptations in time

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