The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is a company responsible for certifying all films screened in the Britain according to how certain age groups will view it. The BBFC give certificates according to the content of the film. This content can include:
-Imitable Behaviour
They may also give warnings if it is obvious it could induce seisures or cause harm and distress to any viewers if they have trouble with Photo or pattern sensitivity, motion sickness and reactions to low frequency sound.
All of the guidelines as well as the research to which the guidelines are based on can be downloaded on the
BBFC Website
very clear
* links to the BBFC site
* the grades currently active together with your analysis on how relevant the code is to your work and to audiences today
* poster/cover/pr shots for films in each category to illustrate the category
to really extend go onto bbfc site and find some statistics for UK/USA/world production numbers in each category and consider what this means for you