Thursday, 7 November 2013


Amongst all the time in lessons we have had to edit, I have been coming to the mac suite in my lunchtimes with Matt and James. I have now spent an hour editing in my free periods and will be spending the next two hours editing as well. This will ensure we will have the rough edit ready for friday in which we present it to the rest of the media group. The main editing issue we have had has been audio. We have had issues with synchronizing the sound with the video. The main worry was the lighter scene which has three sound effects per cycle and it was out of time. Now the issue is sorted out and the video is in sync with the audio. We have also had trouble with the footsteps as Audacity's noise removal feature removes the footsteps as well as the wind so we may need to recreate the sound ourselves.

The lighter scene is where the actors names are shown
Another issue we have had is that currently, our title sequence extends our limit of two minutes. We have been deleting and shortening the clips to necessity which had made the scenes more interesting (the Phone and writing scenes for example).

Our full timeline lasts 2:05:11 in total
I have been editing the sound and adding titles and to my surprise, it has been relatively easy and I believe that with the others' help this lunchtime, I believe we could have a near finished piece by the end of today.

UPDATE 7th February:
We have shown Ms Moore (one of our media teachers) the OTS as far as we have got it. She had a few positive things to say about the video but also had some constructive criticism. She said it was not obvious enough who was who in the scenes and we needed to contrast it more. She also said that the lighting in the Jekyll scenes varied too much and it looked strange. There were also parts of silence in the voiceover that she picked up on and said that she thought they were there either on purpose or there was nothing to say. We realized that we could make the silence a lot shorter and we are now in the process of doing so. Another thing she said was the titles were an anticlimax and said it was a let down after the title 'Hide' and the lighter scene itself just to have plain titles in the corner but we explained they were only temporary, we showed her the idea Matthew recorded and she said that it looked a lot more creative. The credits Matthew filmed are found here:

She was concerned that although we have edited the sound a lot, the video editing and camera work was a bit simple. We showed her a scene we were going to put in featuring jump cuts and she liked it.

All in all, I am happy with the feedback we received as they are all small things that were either temporary or small things we could easily resolve.

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